About us

Welcome to Samachar Sankalp

We’re your go-to place for news from states, cities, around the world, during elections, in sports, and entertainment.

Our Goal:

We want to give you all kinds of news. Our aim is to share fair, trustworthy, and interesting articles for everyone.

What We Cover

Local News:

 Know what’s happening in different places – events, news, and stories that matter nearby.

World News:

Stay updated on big events, politics, and culture affecting everyone.


Get insights and updates about elections worldwide.


From scores to interviews, catch up on all the latest sports news.


 Find the latest in movies, music, celebrities, and what’s trending.

Tech innovations:

Get ahead in the tech world we cover the newest gadgets, innovations and all the latest tech trends so you can keep up with what’s happening in the digital realm.


Here you’ll find the latest lifestyle trends, health tips, fashion advice, and cultural news to make your daily life more exciting and enjoyable.

How We Work:

We promise to bring you news that’s accurate and interesting. Our team works hard to give you the best stories.

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